Glass intelligent equipment system solution provider


Company News

Behind the unmade vaccine glass bottle: the internal volume and future of China's pharmaceutical glass industry

If I say that the vaccine is useless, it may be that this "bottle" is not good. What is your first reaction? This is not necessarily a false proposition. In fact, the direct contact of packaging materials with drugs and the storage of drugs for a long time will directly affect the quality and safety of drugs. Some components in the glass are precipitated by the contacted drugs, or the glass and drug components migrate to each other, which is one of the important reasons for the attenuation of the efficacy of the injection and the non-cure of the drug. In the research process of the new crown vaccine, we have proved that our pharmaceutical research and development strength is very strong. At present, China has won vaccine orders from 16 countries and regions, with a total quantity of about 0.5 billion doses.



Chu Da Intelligent... The first half of 2020 proposal improvement, product innovation recognition silhouette.

On July 11, 2020, the first half of 2020 proposal improvement and product innovation commendation meeting will be held to commend outstanding individuals and teams for outstanding performance and outstanding achievements in proposal improvement activities in the first half of 2020.



We're back to work... to overcome the difficulties!

---- March 14, 2020 2020 is destined to be an extraordinary year We have encountered unprecedented challenges in the face of the new coronavirus epidemic We are united in the same boat with the arrival of the resumption of work The epidemic prevention and control has also entered a new stage We are ready to ensure safety and order, do a good job in epidemic prevention and control, and ensure the company's orderly resumption of work.



Hubei Chuda Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd. Human Resources Management Training Meeting II

On January 15, 2020, the second training session on human resource management jointly organized by the Economic and Information Bureau and Hubei Chuda Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd. was successfully completed. Chairman Deng Jiahui highly affirmed Professor Liao Jianqiao's training and emphasized that all units should thoroughly understand the training content and implement it in daily management.



Jingmen Chuda Electromechanical Co., Ltd. Lean Production Management Eighth Training Meeting

From December 17 to December 19, 2019, the Economic and Information Bureau and Jingmen Chuda Electromechanical Co., Ltd. jointly organized a three-day "Lean Production Management Eighth Training Conference" successfully concluded. A total of more than 100 managers above the director level of Chuda Electromechanical and representatives of various enterprises in the High-tech Zone and Duodao District participated in the training.



Hubei Chuda Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd. Lean Production Management Eighth Training Meeting

Promote lean production and pursue excellent management achievements. From December 17 to December 19, 2019, the Economic and Information Bureau and Hubei Chuda Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd. jointly organized a three-day "Lean Production Management Eighth" Training Conference "was successfully concluded. More than 100 people attended the training, including managers at or above the level of intelligent equipment supervisor of Chuda and representatives of enterprises in Duodao District of High-tech Zone.



Hubei Chuda Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd. Held Dingjie T100 Project Blueprint Report Meeting

On November 12, 2019, the Economic and Information Bureau and Hubei Chuda Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd. jointly held the "Dingjie T100 Project Blueprint Report Meeting". Chu Da Company T100 Project Steering Committee, Project Implementation Promotion Team KM and KU, General Manager of Dingjie Wuhan Division, Implementation Consultant Team, and Enterprise Representatives of Duodao District, High-tech Zone, attended the meeting.



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图片ALT信息: Hubei Chuda Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd.
违禁词: First, best, first-class, leading, unique, king, leader, leader, extreme,


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